Best heartwarming gay movies netflix

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HIV/AIDS Orgs: DaBaby Ghosted Us and Didn’t Donate a Dime 2, the streaming giant is also introducing its first gay holiday romcom, the punny Single All the Way, starring Michael Urie, Luke Macfarlane, and newcomer Philemon Chambers. Next year, they’ll give us the ultimate gift: bringing back Lindsay Lohan to our screens for an untitled project with Glee star Chord Overstreet.īut on Dec.

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Netflix has the latter covered, slowly rolling out a steady stream of Christmas-y flicks since November, including the third installment of The Princess Switch, starring Vanessa Hudgens, and Father Christmas Is Back with Kelsey Grammer and Elizabeth Hurley.

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‘Tis the season of overeating, returning to small hometowns, endless present shopping, and-perhaps most importantly-curling up at night to watch heartwarming (and cheesy) holiday movies.

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